Connected Device Strategies for RPM

Proactive vs. Reactive RPM Device Management

Written by Continua | Apr 3, 2024 2:39:28 PM

Experienced RPM companies know the biggest challenge in implementing a successful RPM program is patient engagement. Clinically, RPM only makes a material impact if you have enough data to manage a patient’s condition proactively.. Financially, a patient needs to take 16 days of readings to qualify for CPT Code 99454.

An often overlooked element in maximizing RPM patient engagement is device management. Proactive device management can easily make the difference between hitting 16 days of readings a month for a patient and not.

Lack of visibility in device performance

Most monitoring clinicians are unaware of device issues until a patient reports a device issue. That means many more unreported device issues likely exist.

Once a device issue is reported, a monitoring clinician may need to contact the account manager at their RPM company. The account manager then likely needs to contact the device supplier to investigate the issue and determine if a replacement device is needed.

Back-and-forth troubleshooting can take days and if a replacement device is needed, even longer. Not only are patients missing days of readings during this process, but they can also become unengaged and disinterested in the RPM process.

And this is all assuming the patient reported the device issue in the first place.

The power of proactive device management

When monitoring clinicians and RPM account managers have easy access to a dashboard with device information, it can change the engagement game. At a glance, a monitoring clinician can see which devices are running low on battery or having low signal issues. They can proactively coach the patient to replace the battery or move the device to another room to encourage ongoing adherence before a problem begins.

A dashboard can also empower monitoring clinicians to search for assigned devices by patient and troubleshoot patient device complaints in real-time rather than playing the waiting game with account managers and device reps.

If a replacement device is needed, it can be ordered right on the dashboard with no waiting for return phone calls or emails, greatly accelerating the process of getting reliable, full-functioning devices into patient’s hands.

Device growth on demand

Best practice RPM programs are always introducing patients to the benefits of RPM during routine appointments. When a patient consents to joining an RPM program, it’s imperative to maintain momentum and engagement and get them started as soon as possible.

Without strong device operations, too many practices run into not having the right devices available for the right patients when they need them. And then potentially going through a cumbersome and time-consuming process to get devices.

A lack of devices should never limit RPM program growth. A full-functioning device platform should provide easy visibility to inventory and self-service options for ordering and managing devices.

Ready for simple device operations?

Continua Systems makes back-office device operations easy so you can focus on clinical operations and patient care. Contact us to learn more.